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The Tieflings, are the descendants of the Hellborn, mythical, legendary creatures from the ancient history of the world. When the God of Order, and the Goddess of Disorder clashed together to decide who owns the domain of this realm, they both created their soldiers. The Dryads and Treants came out of the water, as the ancestors of the Fauns, and the Hellborn and Infernals came out as the ancestors of the Tieflings. - Though, this story is only a legend, even for the Tiefling. - They are sinful and playful creatures, indulging in the pleasure of sinning. Though they can be a positive figure of society, most of the time it is just an act they burned deep into their soul, just to reach their hedonistic goals. They live inside of their own city on the East, the City of Sins. - They are known for their healing thermal baths, great beverages, drugs, and exotic lifestyle. It is obvious, that the City of Sins, is the dream of every hedonistic person. - Oddly enough, at some point of their lives, their personality takes a turn, and they become more serious, monogamous, growing tired of their sins, and they are giving space for the next generation of "small demons" to enjoy life, while they go behind the scene as parents to support them.

- Special Ability:  

(1) Infernal Bloodline: +1 Defense against Fire, +1 Defense against Demons, +2 Charisma. - Advantage against or in Fire related actions.

(2) Thaumaturgy: Invoke a minor wonder, a sign of supernatural power. These effects must be harmless, and can't deal damage.

- Age:

Tieflings mature at the late teens, and they are considered adult at Eighteen. - Tieflings live up to maximum 99 years, but their being changes at the age of 66.

- Alignment:

Tieflings are not nessecerily Evil, but they are definetly a Neutral. Being Lawful is not suiting their lifestyle that changes their morals based on their current mood.

- Size:

Tieflings are avarage in size, with about the same build as humans or elves.

- Speed:

30 feet(10 Yards)/Turn with no modifiers.


- Languages:

Tieflings learned to speak common, and they speak the tongue of demons.

- Common Language

- Infernal/Demonic

Tiefling Types


A young Tiefling, is considered, "Tiefling". Under the age of 66, their lifestyle is about living life to the fullest, like many other races would do. Cause trouble, and gather experience. They are travelling the world, collecting money to spend on themselves most of the time, or to find fun and joy. Their demonic imagination can cause them to not be bored easily, finding excitement in almost every corner of even the wasteland of snow. They tend to act silly, or giddy to hide their sly personality and intentions. Not many people are trusting the Tiefling. - Every once in a while, they travel back the City of Sins, to spend the money they gathered while travelling inside of the kingdom of other people. - As a kid, you were growing up strangely. You were taught mostly demonic things, and your were taught, a positive-nihilism. They told you, that the world is yours, whether you decide to conquer it or not, and that doing anything, has no meaning, alas doing anything you enjoy, is the way to live life. You were never punished for the things you have done, and your parents took it as an experience, though Tiefling parents are doing anything to fund the skills a Tiefling will need in adulthood, and thanks to this, Tieflings are talented in many things. Your favourite colour is red, and you are extremely excited to see destruction, especially if it is happening with fire. - The Tiefling Demonic dialect is mesmerizing, they use the easy flow of humanoid languages, with the language of ancient demons. - "Laparte nu ama tejeram."

Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Priest, Warlock, Mage

(3)Special Ability: "Heat Vision": You have an advantage, and +d1 in detecting invisibility.


Elderling are Tieflings above 66 years old. They reached the Elder status, and they grew less eager for excitement, and more eager for finally living without the intense feeling of your demonic blood driving you towards sinning. You are much more open minded and free in mind, and for that, you refuse to return to the City of Sins. - You found peace, but you are still just a humanoid, with probably already a family to support. You usually live inside of the ghettos, or poor districts of other culture's cities, and behind the scene, you are most likely leading your own criminal group from your seat, being the master mind behind criminal operations. You are not exactly a criminal, you are an experienced demonic creature. - Elderlings, are looking young, but their horns and tails are larger than of the youth. Their face looks less charming, and more honest. Your skin also turned blue, or violet. - Their dialect cahnges from less impressive, and more demonicly intimidating. - "Lap'art'e nu'ama te'jer'am."

Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Priest, Warlock, Mage

(3)Special Ability: "Infamous" - You have advantage, and greater understanding in actions including criminal activities, groups, or organizations.

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