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Blood and glory, describes the fearsome hordes of the orcs. Tall, humanoid creatures, with bestial fangs, a tribal lifesytle, and restless blood boiling within their veins. Finding the casualities of the civilization nothing but nonsense, the Orc tribes may have been defeated, may had their home taken away, but there is one thing no one could rob them out of: Honor. The Prideful armies of these hulking creatures were rendered to ashes during the last war, forcing the last four remaining orc tribes, might not be fond of each other, but their goal is one: Rebuilding Rag'vadan, the colosseum where the Orc Tribes faced each other's forces every hundred year, to decide which Tribe is in the leadership over the others.

- Special Ability:  

(1) Boiling Blood: Reaching one life, gives an additional d1 on your melee attacks, for each Life Points you are missing. - Can only be activated again after a Long Rest.

(2) Brutal: You have an advantage in intimidation.

- Age:

Orcs age faster both physically and mentally than other races, but then they slow down, and usually get behind mentally... They reach maturity and adulthood at the age of 12, and their avarage lifespan is around 50.

- Alignment:

Stubborn creatures, ignoring the nonsense of laws, and believing that the only thing that determines your place in society is pure, physical strenght, and your skill on the battlefield. The avarage, orc raider is chaotic. Exceptions are rare cases.

- Size:

Muscular, bulky build, usually starting at 6 feet, going up to 8 in rare cases. They weight around 250 pounds. The avarage orc is slightly above medium size. 

- Speed:

30 feet(10 Yards)/Turn with no modifiers.


- Languages:

Orcs are stubborn, not truly eager to learn any languages, unless it is needed for survival. - They despise other races so much, that they needed to host a gladiator tournament, to decide whether they should teach common to the youth or not.

- Weak-Common Language

- Orcish

Orc Types

Ruinstrider Clan: Oguna'raga Tribe, Tribesmen Orc, Greenskin

The members of the Ruinstrider Clan, are the original, conservative orcs. They got their names after the ruins they raided for loot, which they used to maintain their forces, offering a portion to the other orc tribes to maintain the peace. The members of the Ruinstriders, are living in a tribal way, and even if they'd get their own city for free, they would refuse. All they wish is the old ways "before the war" to come back. If you meet a Ruinstrider during your travel is probably the safest, as they are not going to bother you, as long as you are not bothering them, but at the slightest idea of you distrupting their peace, territory, family, or honor, a whole horde of them will appear to brutally slaughter you. - Travelling as a Ruinstrider Orc, you are often being looked down upon, but usually no one dares to disrespect you vocally, let alone trying to have a beef with you. The Ruinstrider clan, usually wears whatever they find, and if you see one of them in a more refine equipment, that is perhaps a heritage they got from their raider ancestors. As much as you are not willing to accept the other tribes, your idealistic future would be of all of the tribes rising into greatness, so the "Day of Honor"(Sun of Honor in orchis) can finally come, where all the tribes would face. During the Day of Honor, you would be able to put the other tribes to their places, and begin what every orc desires: Conquering the whole world, for your race. In the Ruinstrider society, female are usually hunters, or "shamans", while the men are raiders, riders, or fighters. Growing up as a Ruinstrider, you always had great respect for your parents and ancestors, and you were taught of the great orcish future. You had to wrestle wolves at a young age, and your birthday present was... well fighting even bigger beasts. The ruinstriders are known for their great feasts. The Ruinstrider clan lives on the eastern part of the world. - The Ruinstrider dialect, is the oldest, and they refuse to change it. - "Mogu aga nora faga, rig ooma!" 

Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Warlock, Priest

(3)Special Ability: "Raider" - Advantage on Looting, and Treasurefinding.

Tidebreaker Clan: Jira'goma Tribe, Liberated Orcs, "Bootlicker Tribe"

The Tidebreaker Clan, one of the only orcish tribes that decided to take a step towards civilization, to avoid the exctintion of their kind. During the first war, the humans refused to let them into their cities, so they broke the watermills of a human port-town from behind. The city got flooded, and it forced the humans to open their gates. Instead of a fight, the leader of the tribe rose to his knees, and lifted his head, throwing his own pride, to save the rest of his clan. Eversince that day, the Tidebreaker Clan, are allowed into most of the cities around the world, and they began to learn from various societies. Though don't let their reformed culture fool you... Deep inside, they wish all humanoid creatures to die, just as the rest of the orcs. Some of the nobles are looking down at the Tidebreaker Clan orcs, as if they were leeches, and parasytes to the society... but some of them are utilizing and using them. They are a great work unit for cheap, just as they are great soldiers and guards. Some of the Tidebreakers managed to climb the ranks of other civilization's, becoming commanders of armies. - Though once again, one must be careful with these orcs. The moment you are in private with one of them, they will show signs, or worse.. actions of their disliking towards you. They will abuse any means of their powers, stepping on anyone, and everyone to reach their goals. Currently, the orcish men and women of the Tribe, agreed to allow the adults to bed humanoid and elven people, and in case a hero would rise from the romance? The Orcs would claim the hero as their own, using them to take over the kingdom. The members of the Tidebreaker Clan are anything but charismatic, but for that, they are the most sly, and cunning of orcs you've ever met. - Their appearance, is much different from the other tribes. Due to the refined lifestyle, they grew larger and more muscular, just as they are treating their own skin well, and they are wearing not just efficient weaponary, but some of them are even having a sense of fashion! This Clan is the most hated by the other clans. - They shaped their dialect to be more appealing for the other races. - "Mogua'ga no'rafaga, Rig'oma!"

Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Warlock, Priest, Mage

(3)Special Ability: "Good friends, aren't we?" - Receive an advantage on trying to intimidate merchants into cutting their prices, or buying something from you. 

Dragonborn Clan: Drogaradun Tribe, Dragonborn, The Ascendants.

The Dragonborn Clan. The Strongest, and most fearsome clan in the whole history of Orckind. 

The Dragonborn, are relentless and bloodthirsty. Fighting and conquering is their everything, and the dragon blood inside of them, caused them to wanting even more. - During the Great War, the Dragonborn Tribe were chased by undead forces through the South-Western mountains, where they had to climb the mountain that was the home of the red dragons. They had no choice, it's either death, or dragons. As they were climbing the mountain, ghouls were climbing under them, and a dragon was waiting for them from above. Only 30 of the orcs managed to climb to the top, where they had to face the dragon. During the nearly ten hours fight, the ghouls from under were waiting to catch the dead orcs falling down the mountain... but on the eleventh hour, all they saw is bursting flames, and the silhuette of the orc leader, as it drinks something from a severed dragon head. Soon the siluetthe turned into the shadow of a dragonic creature, and together, they became Dragonborn. - Their skin turned into red, and they grew gigantic fangs, huge spikes, and dragonic, scaly skin. Their eyes became red, and their nails became claws. - The Dragonborns can shift their form into a Dragonkin, and god have mercy on anyone who dares to stand against the wrath of something that is the mix of a dragon, and an orc. - They are not wearing much clothes, as their skin usually is enough to defend just as effectively as plate armour would. They prefer to use two-handed weapons, or fist-weapons, if not their own claws and fangs. They can breathe flames, and their roar can shake lands. - As a Travelling Dragonborn, all you have to take care of, is to not eat your newfound friends. They allow you into cities, as you have great potential either as a blacksmith, or a soldier, mercenary, but the glances at your fangs will be vary... Their dialect is the mix of a dragon's and an orcs. - "Mogura'ga no'rafagara, Rig'orama!"

Classes: Warrior, Warlock, Rogue, Priest

(3)Special Ability: "Dragonform" - +1d Resistance to All Elements. -- Activate, to switch into Dragon Form, losing 1 true-pp every turn, but increasing your all stats by 1, allowing you to breathe flames, and removing the entirity of your weight requirements, and receiving a temporary athletics advantage.

Snowlander Clan: Mezu'gora Tribe, Blueskin.

On the Northern Wastes of frost and snow, lives the Snowlander Tribe, riding on, and taming wolves, hunting for any means of food they could find. These orcs sailed through the sea, to run away from the exctintion of their kin. Previously, they were living on the thundra, at the coast of the eastern lands. This tribe is not as implusive as the other ones, but they are more likely to throw a fist at you. They have no tolerance for foolishness, and they don't understand the concept of fun. All they care about is survival. In appearance, you are different from most orcs, because your skin is blue, you are covered with white inks all over your body, and you are wearing odd braids that are unlikely to orcs, other than the Greenskin. You don't mind eating food fresh, and you have not much expectations in life. Growing up as a Snowlander, you learned what a hard life is. Being an orc kid itself is hard, but being a Snowlander, forced to learn to walk, or your parents abandoned you to freeze to death, then immidiately learning how to tame, and ride a wolf. Though once the tribe viewed you as a potential "survivor of childhood", from that point, you were loved, and accepted. - As an Adventuring Snowlander, you are xenophobic to every other races, but you have to adapt, to find a better place to live for your people. - Their dialect is not much different, but they tend to shorten words, as speaking in such enviroment is not so appealing. - "Moguaga noragara, rigama."

Classes: Warrior, Rogue

(3)Special Ability: "Survival of the fittest." - +2d resistance to Frost.

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