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General Tavern MENU

Humble Menu: (Any Lifestyle)


- Cheesepatty: 1 Life. - 10 Silver.

<A Large Piece of under or overcooked piece of patty, seemingly seasoned with the poor quality cheese probably made by the milk of a dying cow.>

- Onion Soup: 1 Life, 1 Power - 50 Silver.

<A humble bowl of spiced warm water, with cut onion pieces floating on the top of it. If you are lucky, you will find pieces of carrot, and maybe chicken.>

- Humble Pie: 1 Life - 30 Silver.

<A pie that doesn't taste, or looks too appealing. It's filling is made out of excess meat of butcheries, and you might even find nails inside of it.>

- Honeycomb: 1 Life - 20 Silver.

<A totally casual, and harmless comb of honey. It is not as dissapealing as the other food, but it is really sticky, and you find no way to eat it properly.>

- Grape Bowl: 1 Power - 50 Silver.
<A Bowl of Grapes, each piece looks different, some look fresh, some look nearly rotten...>

- Insect Bites: 1 Life - 50 Silver.
<A bowl of different dead, and cooked insects. Ants, Ladybugs, Cockroaches. Very good for cheap protein.>

- Peppered Saltsea Fish: 2 life, 2 Power - 1 Gold.

<A whole fish, with ground up, low quality pepper sprinked all over it. Beggars can't be choosy.>

==Drinks and Beverage==
- Skin of Water: 1 Power - 10 Silver.
- Beer: 1 Power / Alcohol Level 1 - 50 Silver.
- Ale: 1 Power / Alcohol Level 2 - 1 Gold.
- Wine: 1 Power / Alcohol Level 2 - 5 Gold.


Traveller's Menu (Requires Comfortable Lifestyle)



- Quickfoot Rabbit: 2 life, 2 Power - 5 Gold.

<One of the most famous food among commoners. Great taste, and great spices. Not looking cheap, nor it is extremely expensive..>

- Grilled Shrimp Tails: Refills 1 +d3 LIfe - 10 Gold.
<Finely grilled Shrimp Tails, laid next to each other inside of a bowl of rich sauce of pepper and onion.>

- Chicken Breast: Refills 1 +d3 life -  10 Gold.

<Fine chicken breasts, wet in moderate, healthy natural oils, seasoned with salt and a small bowl of hot sauce.>

- Pepper Soup: Refills 1 +d3 life - 10 Gold.

<A soup rich in meat and vegetables, with the general flavour of high pepper and carrots.>

- Roasted Snake: Refills 1 +d3 life - 30 Gold.
<Exotic meat thick with proteins. Hard to chew, but it worths the taste. >

- Fruit Bowl: Refills 1+d3 life - 50 Gold.
<A bowl of frouts going from grapes, up to slices of watermelon.>

- Feast: Refill d5 Life and d5 power. - 50 Gold.
<A feast of different meals from different cultures. Such feat is enough to keep someone nutritionated and hydrated for three days.>

==Drinks and Beverage==
- Fruit Juice: Refills 1 + d3 Power - 10 Gold.
- Sweet Wine: Refills 1 + d3 Power - 50 Gold.
- Dwarven Ale: Refills 1 + d3 power - / Alcohol level 4 - 50 Gold.
- Sake: Refills 1 + d3 power - / Alcohol level 3 -  100 Gold.


Noble Menu (Requires Aristocratic Lifestyle)

== Food ==

- Chocolate Cake: Senses +1d for 1 Days - 100 Gold

<A fine brown cake, covered and filled with fresh and rich chocolate, topped with vanilla powder sprinkled on the top, covered with sweet-cream.>

- Kraken Bites: Senses +1d for 1 Days -  200 Gold

<Thick tentalces cut to little rings, cooked to the point where they are less elastic, and more plushy and soft. Swimming inside of a bowl of shrimps.>

- Slices of Dragon Tail: Defense +1d for 1 Days  -500 Gold

<The tastes of another world, a meat you rarely get to taste. Much different from what you are used to. It is spicy, with a whole bowl of mashed potatoes.>

- Phoenix Omelette: Fire Resistance +1d  for 1 Days. - 500 Gold

<Dark, Orange Omelette, steaming hot with small, edible and spiced ice-cubes melting on the top of it.>

- Edible Rainbow: Charisma +1d for 1 Days -  100 Gold

<A weird cube of colorful jelly, shifting colours as you are eating it, glowing and seemingly it paints a great scent on your breath.>

- Elven Carrot Soup: Atlhetics +1d for 1 Days -  250 Gold

<These carrots doesn't seem natural. The Soup is filled with every single vegetables in existence, yet it is not disgusting. Very strange, but you like it.>

- Heroic Feast: Refills Full life and Full Power. - +1d of your primary sub-stat. 500 Gold
<A Great Feast of All you can Eat. The recipes originating from ancient warrior vikings. You should eat these before facing battles you doubt you can win.>

=== Drinks Beverage ===
- Coffee: Speed +1d for 1 Days. - 100 Gold

- Rainbow Rush: Apply a random magical effect + Magic d1 for 1 days. - 500 Gold

<A drink of every colours. It mimics the taste your tongue and mood currently prefers.>

- Fairy Juice: Charm +1d for 1 days. -  150 Gold

<The naming makes you question your life decisions on several philosophical layers.>

- Corebrew: Intimidation +1d for 1 days. / Alcohol Level 5 - 250 Gold

<So strong alcohol, it burns your tongue.>

- Gorgontongue Liquour: +1d Presuasion for 1 days. / Alcohol Level 6 - 666 Gold.

<A Gorgon Tongue, swimming inside of some weird, yellow-green amber liquid. Taking a sip burns your insides.>

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